Codegen pre-computes dependencies and usages for all symbols in the codebase, enabling constant-time queries for these relationships.


Codegen provides two main ways to track relationships between symbols:

Dependencies and usages are inverses of each other. For example, given the following input code:

# Input code
from module import BaseClass

class MyClass(BaseClass):

The following assertions will hold in the Codegen API:

base = codebase.get_symbol("BaseClass")
my_class = codebase.get_symbol("MyClass")

# MyClass depends on BaseClass
assert base in my_class.dependencies

# BaseClass is used by MyClass
assert my_class in base.usages

If A depends on B, then B is used by A. This relationship is tracked in both directions, allowing you to navigate the codebase from either perspective.

  • MyClass.dependencies answers the question: “which symbols in the codebase does MyClass depend on?”

  • BaseClass.usages answers the question: “which symbols in the codebase use BaseClass?”

Usage Types

Both APIs use the UsageType enum to specify different kinds of relationships:

class UsageType(IntFlag):
    DIRECT = auto()    # Direct usage within the same file
    CHAINED = auto()   # Usage through attribute access (module.symbol)
    INDIRECT = auto()  # Usage through a non-aliased import
    ALIASED = auto()   # Usage through an aliased import


A direct usage occurs when a symbol is used in the same file where it’s defined, without going through any imports or attribute access.

# Define MyClass
class MyClass:
    def __init__(self):

# Direct usage of MyClass in same file
class Child(MyClass):


A chained usage occurs when a symbol is accessed through module or object attribute access, using dot notation.

import module

# Chained usage of ClassB through module
obj = module.ClassB()
# Chained usage of method through obj
result = obj.method()


An indirect usage happens when a symbol is used through a non-aliased import statement.

from module import BaseClass

# Indirect usage of BaseClass through import
class MyClass(BaseClass):


An aliased usage occurs when a symbol is used through an import with an alias.

from module import BaseClass as AliasedBase

# Aliased usage of BaseClass
class MyClass(AliasedBase):

Dependencies API

The dependencies API lets you find what symbols a given symbol depends on.

Basic Usage

# Get all direct dependencies
deps = my_class.dependencies  # Shorthand for dependencies(UsageType.DIRECT)

# Get dependencies of specific types
direct_deps = my_class.dependencies(UsageType.DIRECT)
chained_deps = my_class.dependencies(UsageType.CHAINED)
indirect_deps = my_class.dependencies(UsageType.INDIRECT)

Combining Usage Types

You can combine usage types using the bitwise OR operator:

# Get both direct and indirect dependencies
deps = my_class.dependencies(UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.INDIRECT)

# Get all types of dependencies
deps = my_class.dependencies(
    UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.CHAINED |
    UsageType.INDIRECT | UsageType.ALIASED

Common Patterns

  1. Finding dead code (symbols with no usages):
# Check if a symbol is unused
def is_dead_code(symbol):
    return not symbol.usages

# Find all unused functions in a file
dead_functions = [f for f in file.functions if not f.usages]

See Deleting Dead Code to learn more about finding unused code.

  1. Finding all imports that a symbol uses:
# Get all imports a class depends on
class_imports = [dep for dep in my_class.dependencies if isinstance(dep, Import)]

# Get all imports used by a function, including indirect ones
all_function_imports = [
    dep for dep in my_function.dependencies(UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.INDIRECT)
    if isinstance(dep, Import)

Traversing the Dependency Graph

Sometimes you need to analyze not just direct dependencies, but the entire dependency graph up to a certain depth. The dependencies method allows you to traverse the dependency graph and collect all dependencies up to a specified depth level.

Basic Usage

# Get only direct dependencies
deps = symbol.dependencies(max_depth=1)

# Get deep dependencies (up to 5 levels)
deps = symbol.dependencies(max_depth=5)

The method returns a dictionary mapping each symbol to its list of direct dependencies. This makes it easy to analyze the dependency structure:

# Print the dependency tree
for sym, direct_deps in deps.items():
    print(f"{} depends on: {[ for d in direct_deps]}")

Example: Analyzing Class Inheritance

Here’s an example of using dependencies to analyze a class inheritance chain:

class A:
    def method_a(self): pass

class B(A):
    def method_b(self): 

class C(B):
    def method_c(self):

# Get the full inheritance chain
symbol = codebase.get_class("C")
deps = symbol.dependencies(

# Will show:
# C depends on: [B]
# B depends on: [A]
# A depends on: []

Handling Cyclic Dependencies

The method properly handles cyclic dependencies in the codebase:

class A:
    def method_a(self):
        return B()

class B:
    def method_b(self):
        return A()

# Get dependencies including cycles
symbol = codebase.get_class("A")
deps = symbol.dependencies()

# Will show:
# A depends on: [B]
# B depends on: [A]

The max_depth parameter helps prevent excessive recursion in large codebases or when there are cycles in the dependency graph.