

Returns the export object that exports this symbol. Returns none if this symbol is not exported.

def export(self) -> Export | None:


Returns the name the symbol is exported as. If the symbol is not exported, returns None.

def exported_name(self) -> str | None:


Returns True iff the symbol is exported from the file it’s defined in

def is_exported(self) -> bool:


Returns True if the symbol is re-exported from a file it is not defined in (if applicable)

def is_reexported(self) -> bool:



Returns a list of all symbols that uses this exportable object, via direct or indirect usages. Equivalent to get_symbol_usages(UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.INDIRECT | UsageType.ALIASED)

def get_all_symbol_usages(self) -> list[Import | Symbol | Export]:


Returns a list of all usages of this exportable object, via direct or indirect usages. Equivalent to get_usages(UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.INDIRECT | UsageType.ALIASED)

def get_all_usages(self) -> list[Usage]:


Returns the import string needed to import this symbol.

  • If alias is specified, formats the import using the alias.
  • If module is specified, uses the specified module, otherwise defaults to the current module.
  • If import_type is ImportType.WILDCARD, imports the symbol’s module. e.g. from module import symbol as alias
def get_import_string(self, alias: str | None = None, module: str | None = None, import_type: ImportType = ImportType.UNKNOWN, is_type_import: bool = False) -> str:


Symbols that uses this exportable object, or imports that imports this exportable object. By default, only returns direct usages, such as Imports or usages within the same file. In other words, it will tell you where this symbol is imported, but not where it is used. Inverse of dependencies.

Arguments: usage_types: What kind of usages to search for

def get_symbol_usages(self, usage_types: UsageType = UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.CHAINED) -> list[Import | Symbol | Export]:


Returns a list of usages of the exportable object. By default, only returns direct usages, such as Imports or usages within the same file. In other words, it will tell you where this symbol is imported, but not where it is used. Useful for dead code deletion.

Arguments: usage_types: What kind of usages to search for

def get_usages(self, usage_types: UsageType = UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.CHAINED) -> list[Usage]: