Explicitly typing return types in programming languages (such as Python, which allows optional type hints) offers numerous advantages that enhance code quality, maintainability, and the overall developer experience.

Improved Code Clarity

Self-Documentation: Specifying return types acts as a form of documentation, making it clear what type of value a method is expected to return. This helps other developers (or the original author at a later time) quickly understand the method’s output without needing to read through the implementation details. Intent Communication: By declaring return types, developers communicate their intent more effectively. It signals to others what kind of data they can expect from the method, reducing ambiguity and enhancing understanding.

Enhanced Error Detection

Static Type Checking: When return types are declared, static type checkers (like mypy for Python) can analyze the code before runtime, catching type-related errors early in the development process. This helps prevent bugs that might arise from returning incorrect types. Reduced Runtime Errors: By enforcing return type constraints, the likelihood of encountering runtime errors due to unexpected return types is significantly reduced. This leads to more robust and reliable code.

Better IDE Support

IntelliSense and Autocompletion: Many Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and code editors provide enhanced features like autocompletion and IntelliSense based on return type information. This makes it easier for developers to write code, as they receive suggestions and can see expected return types while coding. Refactoring Assistance: IDEs can offer better refactoring tools when return types are explicitly declared, as they can understand the relationships between return types and other parts of the code, ensuring that changes are applied consistently.

Facilitated Code Maintenance

Easier Code Navigation: When return types are specified, navigating through the code becomes easier. Developers can quickly identify how methods produce outputs and how those outputs are used in other parts of the codebase, making it simpler to understand the flow of data. Simplified Debugging: If a bug arises, having return type information can help developers quickly identify where the issue might be. They can check if the correct types are being returned from functions, making debugging more efficient.

Encouragement of Best Practices

Promoting Type Safety: By using explicit return types, developers are encouraged to think critically about the data they are returning. This promotes a culture of type safety and careful consideration of how data is produced and consumed. Consistent Interfaces: When methods have well-defined return types, it leads to more consistent interfaces across the codebase. This consistency makes it easier to understand how different parts of the code interact with each other.

Support for Advanced Features

Type Inference: In languages that support type inference, having explicit return types can help the compiler or interpreter make better decisions about type inference, leading to more optimized code. Generics and Polymorphism: Explicit typing allows for the use of generics and polymorphism, enabling developers to write more flexible and reusable code while still maintaining type safety.


The following example shows how to use the Codebase SDK to count the number of untyped return statements in a codebase. This can be useful for identifying areas where return types are not explicitly declared, allowing developers to add type annotations for improved code quality.

untitled_return_count = 0

# Iterate through all files in the codebase
for file in codebase.files:
    # Iterate through all functions in the file
    for function in file.functions:
        # Count the number of return statements that are not typed
        if isinstance(function.return_type, Placeholder):
            untitled_return_count += len(function.return_statements)

print(f"Number of untyped return statements: {untitled_return_count}")