Inherits from

TSSymbol, TSHasBlock, Symbol, HasBlock, GraphSitterBase, Exportable, Importable, HasName, Expression, Editable



Returns the comment group associated with the symbol, if any.

def comment(self) -> TSCommentGroup | None:


Returns list of all Decorators on this Symbol

def decorators(self) -> list[TSDecorator]:


Symbols that this symbol depends on. Opposite of usages

def dependencies(self) -> list[Union["Symbol", "Import"]]:


Returns the docstring of the function. The docstring is represented as a CommentGroup.

def docstring(self) -> TSCommentGroup | None:


Returns the export object that exports this symbol. Returns none if this symbol is not exported.

def export(self) -> Export | None:


Returns the name the symbol is exported as. If the symbol is not exported, returns None.

def exported_name(self) -> str | None:


Returns a SymbolGroup of all extended nodes. This allows a common edit interface for all of extended nodes.

def extended(self) -> SymbolGroup:


List of Editables with extended symbols like export, public or decorator

def extended_nodes(self) -> list[Editable]:


Text representation of all its extended nodes

def extended_source(self) -> str:


The file object that this Editable instance belongs to

def file(self) -> File:


The file path of the file that this Editable instance belongs to

def filepath(self) -> str:


The full name including the object lookup (if applicable).

Examples: For a.b, the full name is a.b

def full_name(self) -> str | None:


Returns a list of all function calls in the code block.

def function_calls(self) -> list[FunctionCall]:


Returns true if the symbol has a semicolon at the end and false otherwise.

def has_semicolon(self) -> bool:


Returns the inline comment group associated with the symbol, if any.

def inline_comment(self) -> TSCommentGroup | None:


Returns True if the symbol is decorated with a decorator.

def is_decorated(self) -> bool:


Returns True iff the symbol is exported from the file it’s defined in

def is_exported(self) -> bool:


Returns True if the symbol is re-exported from a file it is not defined in (if applicable)

def is_reexported(self) -> bool:


Returns list of all JSXElements contained in this symbol

def jsx_elements(self) -> list[JSXElement[Self]]:


The name of the object excluding whichever namespace precedes it, as a string.

Examples: For a.b, the name is b

def name(self) -> str | None:


Returns the parent statement that contains this expression

def parent_statement(self) -> Statement:


If the expression is a resolvable value, returns the last assigned expression value. Else, returns itself.

Example: a = 1 b = a foo(b)

If we call resolve_value on b, it returns 1.

def resolved_value(self) -> Expression | list[Expression]:


Returns the semicolon node of the symbol if it exists.

def semicolon_node(self) -> Editable | None:


Returns the source code of the function

def source(self) -> str:


Returns Editables for all TreeSitter node instances of variable usages. (Excludes: property identifiers and argument keywords) This is useful for renaming variables locally and analyzing variable usages.

def variable_usages(self) -> list[Editable]:



Adds a new comment to the symbol.

Args: comment (str): The comment to be added. auto_format (bool, optional): Flag to automatically format the text into a comment. Defaults to True. clean_format (bool, optional): Flag to clean the format of the docstring before inserting. Defaults to True. comment_type (PyCommentType, optional): Type of comment to add. Defaults to TSCommentType.DOUBLE_SLASH.

Returns: None

Notes: If a comment already exists, a new comment will be added to the end of the existing comment group. If no comment exists, a new comment group will be created.

Examples: If auto_format is True, the comment “Hello” will be formatted as:

// Hello

If auto_format is False, the comment string will be added as is, without any formatting.

def add_comment(self, comment: str, auto_format: bool = True, clean_format: bool = True, comment_type: TSCommentType = TSCommentType.DOUBLE_SLASH) -> None:


Adds a decorator to this function based on the source

  • skip_if_exists: Do not add a decorator if it already exists
  • returns bool: True if the decorator was added, False otherwise
def add_decorator(self, new_decorator: str, skip_if_exists: bool = False) -> bool:


Insert a keyword in the appropriate place if it is not already there.

def add_keyword(self, keyword: str):


Commit just this node

def commit(self) -> None:


Replace the source of this node with new_src. When fix_indentation is True, the indentation of the new_src will be adjusted to match the current text’s indentation.

def edit(self, new_src: str, fix_indentation: bool = False, priority: int = 0, dedupe: bool = True) -> None:


Returns a list of all substring match in strings_to_match, similar to python’s str.find(..)

Args: exact: Only match individual nodes which exactly match the query

def find(self, strings_to_match: list[str] | str, *, exact: bool = False) -> list[Editable]:


Returns a list of all editable substrings within string literals that match strings_to_match

def find_string_literals(self, strings_to_match: list[str], fuzzy_match: bool = False) -> list[Editable]:


Adds a comment so the developer can see this Editable

def flag(self) -> None:


Returns a list of all symbols that uses this exportable object, via direct or indirect usages. Equivalent to get_symbol_usages(UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.INDIRECT | UsageType.ALIASED)

def get_all_symbol_usages(self) -> list[Import | Symbol | Export]:


Returns a list of all usages of this exportable object, via direct or indirect usages. Equivalent to get_usages(UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.INDIRECT | UsageType.ALIASED)

def get_all_usages(self) -> list[Usage]:


Returns the JSX Element with the given component name

def get_component(self, component_name: str) -> JSXElement[Self] | None:


Returns the import string needed to import this symbol.

  • If alias is specified, formats the import using the alias.
  • If module is specified, uses the specified module, otherwise defaults to the current module.
  • If import_type is ImportType.WILDCARD, imports the symbol’s module. e.g. from module import symbol as alias
def get_import_string(self, alias: str | None = None, module: str | None = None, import_type: ImportType = ImportType.UNKNOWN, is_type_import: bool = False) -> str:


Returns the Name of the object, as a Name (editable)

def get_name(self) -> Name | ChainedAttribute | None:


Symbols that uses this exportable object, or imports that imports this exportable object. By default, only returns direct usages, such as Imports or usages within the same file. In other words, it will tell you where this symbol is imported, but not where it is used. Inverse of dependencies.

Arguments: usage_types: What kind of usages to search for

def get_symbol_usages(self, usage_types: UsageType = UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.CHAINED) -> list[Import | Symbol | Export]:


Returns a list of usages of the exportable object. By default, only returns direct usages, such as Imports or usages within the same file. In other words, it will tell you where this symbol is imported, but not where it is used. Useful for dead code deletion.

Arguments: usage_types: What kind of usages to search for

def get_usages(self, usage_types: UsageType = UsageType.DIRECT | UsageType.CHAINED) -> list[Usage]:


Returns Editables for all TreeSitter nodes corresponding to instances of variable usage that matches the given variable name. (Excludes: property identifiers and argument keywords) fuzzy_match allows for partial matching of variable names and effectively does var_name in

def get_variable_usages(self, var_name: str, fuzzy_match: bool = False) -> list[Editable]:


Inserts new_src after this node

def insert_after(self, new_src: str, fix_indentation: bool = False, newline: bool = True, priority: int = 0, dedupe: bool = True) -> None:


Inserts new_src before this node.


  • extended (bool): If True, the source is inserted before the extended nodes (e.g. comments, docstrings, access identifiers).(Default: True)
def insert_before(self, new_src: str, fix_indentation: bool = False, newline: bool = True, priority: int = 0, dedupe: bool = True, extended: bool = True) -> None:


Moves a symbol to the specified file and updates all imports. Import update strategy can be specified. Strategies:

  • add_back_edge: just moves the symbol to the new file and adds an import to the old file
  • update_all_imports: updates all imports and usages of the symbol to the new file
def move_to_file(self, file: SourceFile, include_dependencies: bool = True, strategy: str = "update_all_imports") -> None:


Deletes this Node, and optionally its related extended nodes (e.g. decorators, comments, etc.)

def remove(self, delete_formatting: bool = True, priority: int = 0, dedupe: bool = True) -> None:


Renames the symbol and all its references in the codebase (imports/callsites/etc.)

def rename(self, new_name: str, priority: int = 0) -> tuple[NodeId, NodeId]:


Search and replace an instance of substring within this node’s source. Similar to python’s string.replace(..) Throws ValueError if there are more than one occurrence of substring in this node’s source.

Arguments: old: the occurrences of this string to replace new: the string to replace with count: the max number of occurrences to replace. Default value: -1 (replace all) is_regex: whether old is a regex pattern. Default value: False

Returns: The total count of old occurrences replaced.

def replace(self, old: str, new: str, count: int = -1, is_regex: bool = False, priority: int = 0) -> int:

Returns a list of all regex match of regex_pattern, similar to python’s…)

When include_strings is False, the search will exclude the contents of string literals from the search. When include_comments is False, the search will exclude the contents of comments from the search.

def search(self, regex_pattern: str, include_strings: bool = True, include_comments: bool = True) -> list[Editable]:


Sets a comment to the symbol.

Args: comment (str): The comment to be added. auto_format (bool, optional): Flag to automatically format the text into a comment. Defaults to True. clean_format (bool, optional): Flag to clean the format of the docstring before inserting. Defaults to True. comment_type (PyCommentType, optional): Type of comment to add. Defaults to TSCommentType.DOUBLE_SLASH.

Returns: None

Notes: If a comment already exists, the existing comment will be edited. If no comment exists, a new comment group will be created.

Examples: If auto_format is True, the comment “Hello” will be formatted as:

// Hello

If auto_format is False, the comment string will be added as is, without any formatting.

def set_comment(self, comment: str, auto_format: bool = True, clean_format: bool = True, comment_type: TSCommentType = TSCommentType.DOUBLE_SLASH) -> None:


Sets a docstring to the function.

Args: docstring (str): The docstring to be added. auto_format (bool, optional): Flag to automatically format the text into a docstring. Defaults to True. clean_format (bool, optional): Flag to clean the format of the docstring before inserting. Defaults to True. leading_star (bool, optional): Flag to add leading ”*” to each line of the comment block. Defaults to True. force_multiline (bool, optional): Flag to force single line comments to be multi-line. Defaults to False.

Returns: None

Notes: If a docstring already exists, the existing docstring will be edited. If no docstring exists, a new docstring will be created.

Examples: If auto_format is True, the comment “Hello” will be formatted as:

/* Hello */

If auto_format is False, the comment string will be added as is, without any formatting.

def set_docstring(self, docstring: str, auto_format: bool = True, clean_format: bool = True, leading_star: bool = True, force_multiline: bool = False) -> None:


Sets an inline comment to the symbol.

Args: comment (str): The inline comment to be added. auto_format (bool, optional): Flag to automatically format the text into a comment. Defaults to True. clean_format (bool, optional): Flag to clean the format of the docstring before inserting. Defaults to True.

Returns: None

Notes: If an inline comment already exists, it will be replaced with the new comment. If no inline comment exists, a new inline comment will be created.

Examples: If auto_format is True, the comment “Hello” will be formatted as:

/* Hello */

If auto_format is False, the comment string will be added as is, without any formatting.

def set_inline_comment(self, comment: str, auto_format: bool = True, clean_format: bool = True, node: TSNode | None = None) -> None:


Sets the name of the object

def set_name(self, name: str) -> None: